We are in the midst of new YouTubers who boast of having succeeded in such and such a field. Cryptocurrency is all the rage right now. Before that we had the fashion of dropshipping. Still before the fad of "Make Money Online" as well as those in real estate.

In short, there are tons of new people trying to find a place in the world of entrepreneurship. It is not bad to fire the old ones who are more useful and who do that in the "dream sale", but unfortunately not all the new ones are the best.

Some take the same tangent of making people believe that with a snap of their fingers, without working hard and starting from 0, they can fill their pockets and ride Lamborghini.

Unfortunately, all of this is particularly wrong. Yes you can start from 0 and be successful. Yes you can be successful quickly if you learn fast. But no, it won't happen without hard work.

Working hard is arguably the most important point in all of this. It's like everything, the more you learn, the more you train the more chance you have of succeeding. As they say: It is by forging that one becomes a blacksmith.

So who are the business youtubers to follow?

This is a personal point of view, among those I will quote there may be some that you will not like. That you will take for charlatans. Everyone has their own point of view on this.

My favorite: Stan Leloup aka Marketing Mania

What I like is that he doesn't really have a product to sell. These larger tutorials are freely accessible. His only product to sell is a copywriting training that he opens once every 36 of the month.

These videos are very complete and above all extremely meaningful. I particularly appreciate his analyzes of films, series, advertising clips etc. It highlights all the points that are worked on upstream by marketers in order to convert at best.

It is undoubtedly the most pleasant way of learning since one does not have the impression to learn from the theoretical. Everything is illustrated and it goes straight to our heads.

The ecommerce expert without a joke: SPHX

Julien Gallois, nicknamed SPHX for his business in e-commerce training, is by far my favorite expert.

Unlike Leo Guillot or others in the field of ecommerce, SPHX does not sit back and make it clear. I also found a very good analysis of this character on this site .