Do you utilize WordPress to advance partner items from the Amazon Associates program? Assuming this is the case, you'll need to look at this assortment of the eight best Amazon offshoot WordPress modules to Import Amazon Product to WooCommerce.

In this post, we'll share various valuable free and premium modules to help you all the more viably advance Amazon items (and keep up with consistence with the Amazon Associates rules). 

How about we dive into the best WordPress modules for Amazon offshoots so you can begin acquiring those sweet, sweet commissions. 

What Do Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugins Do? 

The expression "Amazon offshoot modules" is somewhat expansive in light of the fact that there are a great deal of highlights that can fall under the umbrella. 

By and large, the greater part of these modules make it simple to embed Amazon associate connections on your WordPress site, without expecting to go through 

All the more critically, the majority of these modules utilize the Amazon Product Advertising API (or, at times, another strategy). This is inconceivably significant due to how severe Amazon Associates is with its principles for item data exactness, like the denial on showing incorrect costs. 

On the off chance that you physically enter the cost for an item that you're advancing in an examination table, that cost may change in the future since Amazon regularly refreshes its costs. 

In the event that that occurs, you'd advance some unacceptable value, which is contrary to the standards. In any case, by utilizing one of these modules (and the API), you can guarantee that you're continually showing precise valuing data. 

Geolocate your subsidiary connects to send individuals to their Amazon region (for example versus 

  1. Sync Amazon items with a WooCommerce store. 
  2. How about we start with the best premium modules. 
  3. Premium Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugins 

1. AAWP 

AAWP, short for Amazon Affiliate WordPress Plugin, is perhaps the most settled WordPress modules for Amazon members. It offers a set-up of highlights to help you all the more adequately advance Amazon items. 

Item boxes that contain at least one items. You can incorporate diverse item subtleties like titles, depictions, costs, limits, CTAs, and so forth 

Information handle that let you embed singular snippets of data by means of the API, for instance, including the latest cost. 

You can likewise show arrangements of smash hits and new deliveries that will consequently refresh to remain current. 

For these, you can look over numerous presentation layouts as indicated by your requirements. 

What's more, since the entirety of this data comes from the Product Advertising API, you can ensure that it will consistently be precise. 

AAWP model 

AAWP additionally has a lot of helpful more modest highlights, for example, 

Item correlation tables – utilize the table manufacturer highlight to make precise item examination tables, for example, the model above. 

Geotargeting for joins – consequently sends guests to the legitimate Amazon region dependent on their areas. 

Storing – AAWP will reserve item data locally to further develop execution and cutoff API demands. 

Google Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) support – your item boxes will in any case work in AMP content, which assists you with working on portable execution. 

2. AzonPress 

AzonPress is another mainstream Amazon offshoot module that follows a methodology like AAWP. 

You can embed both fundamental content offshoot interfaces just as an assortment of more nitty gritty item shows. 

An outstanding aspect regarding AzonPress is the means by which it gives you valuable apparatuses to make item correlations. You can make both conventional item tables, just as one next to the other examination tables. 

One component that I truly like is the capacity to add a "best pick" qualifier to your examination table to assist with driving traffic towards the best item. You can see this in the model underneath: 

  • AzonPress model 
  • Past those correlation choices, you can likewise show: 
  • Item matrices 
  • Single item boxes 
  • Basic records 

AzonPress likewise incorporates worked in geotargeting, which allows you to divert customers to their neighborhood Amazon store. 

In general, I feel that AzonPress has probably the best out-of-the-crate layout plans of any Amazon associate module for WordPress. 

3. WZone (WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates) 

As the name proposes, WZone, likewise going under the name WooCommerce Amazon Affiliates, assists you with interfacing your WooCommerce-based store with Amazon. 

To begin with, it allows you to make a sort of pseudo outsourcing course of action where you can consequently match up Amazon items as WooCommerce items. Then, at that point, when a guest goes to add a thing to their truck, they'll be taken to Amazon to look at (and you'll will put that offshoot following treat). 

Second, you can make a genuine outsourcing course of action where customers really buy things on your site. Then, at that point, you can pivot and request that item on Amazon yourself to satisfy the request. This requires some manual exertion from you, yet it gives you full authority over your edges, as opposed to simply depending on the Amazon Associates commission. 

Regardless of which approach you use, WZone makes it very simple to import items from Amazon to WooCommerce. Then, at that point, it can likewise keep items synchronized going ahead so your data is rarely outdated. 

  • Other valuable highlights include: 
  • Show item audits from Amazon. 
  • Backing for variable items. 
  • Backing for numerous distinctive Amazon store areas. 
  • Programmed content spinner for item subtleties. 
  • Sync and import items without requiring an API key. 

Show identifications on your store, for example, items that are qualified for Amazon Prime delivery.

4. AAPro 

Like WZone, AAPro assists you with bringing in Amazon member items to your WooCommerce store. Your guests can peruse every one of the items on your WordPress site. Then, at that point, when they go to buy an item, they'll be taken to Amazon to finish their buy and you'll get paid a commission. 

You get different approaches to import items to your store, just as an alternative to show genuine Amazon item surveys also. 

AAPro additionally makes them interest highlights to assist you with further developing the shopping experience at your store: 

Far off add-to-truck – allows guests to add items to their Amazon shopping baskets without leaving your site. 

List of things to get – allows customers to make a list of things to get of items that they need to buy later. 

Value Alert – allows customers to get value alarms when the cost of an item drops on Amazon (and your site, as a result). 

You'll likewise get an inherent examination dashboard where you can see your top-performing items. 

AAPro accompanies its own WordPress subject, however you can likewise utilize it with any WooCommerce topic also. 

5. AmaLinks Pro 

AmaLinks Pro assists you with embeddings text/picture joins, CTA fastens, and surprisingly whole item features. Then, at that point, you can keep any of the data that you import matched up with Amazon to keep up with consistence. 

AmaLinks Pro 

Something decent is that you'll have the option to do this both with and without admittance to the Amazon API. 

With the Table Builder add-on, you can likewise make item correlation tables like beneath: 

AmaLinks Pro table 

Once more, the entirety of this data is pulled directly from Amazon, which guarantees that it's precise and you will not fall into difficulty with regards to consistence. 

Another helpful component is the implicit Google Analytics Event Tracking, which allows you to follow item clicks in Google Analytics. 

At long last, AmaLinksPro just by and large has a decent accentuation on consistence with the severe principles from Amazon Associates, which helps keep you in Amazon's acceptable graces and keep the cash streaming. 

Value: AmaLinksPro begins at $67 for admittance to the module and the Table Builder add-on for a solitary site. 

6. EasyAzon 

EasyAzon gives you a simple method to embed Amazon offshoot interfaces directly from the WordPress proofreader. It works with any Amazon area and allows you rapidly to turn up text offshoot interfaces depending on the situation. 

Be that as it may, the free form is very essential — it's in a real sense only for text joins. 

Assuming you need admittance to more highlights, you'll need to move up to the Pro form which allows you to embed: 


  • You'll likewise get other valuable highlights in the Pro form, for example, 
  • Item fast view that presentations on drift. 
  • Programmed interface limitation dependent on every guest's area. 

Alternative to have individuals add the items to their trucks immediately, which gives you more opportunity to procure a commission.  

7. Amazon Auto Links 

Amazon Auto Links assists you with embeddings Amazon items in your WordPress site utilizing the latest variant of the Amazon Product Advertising API. 

You can either embed explicit items that you pick or you can let the module show a consistently refreshed feed of the most recent items in specific classifications. 

  • Altogether, you get four different ways to show items: 
  • Classification – a powerful feed of items in that classification. 

You can likewise utilize shortcode boundaries to modify the yield, for example, changing the picture size or the length of the depiction. 

Embeddings explicit items is simple — you simply add the standard item URL to your substance and Amazon Auto Links will naturally change it to utilize your partner interface. You can likewise have it naturally convert joins in remarks from different clients. 

8. AmazonSimpleAdmin 

As the name shows, AmazonSimpleAdmin gives you a straightforward method to embed Amazon items in WordPress utilizing shortcodes. It utilizes the API to embed item subtleties, which means they'll consequently be in a state of harmony with Amazon itself. 

To begin, all you need to add will be add your Amazon API subtleties and select which store region you need to utilize. 

More Info/Download 

Which is the Best Amazon Affiliate Plugin for WordPress? 

These modules have something to bring to the table in their own extraordinary manner, yet my two undisputed top choices are AAWP and AzonPress. 

Both let you go past straightforward content connections, with the capacity to make transformation boosting examination boxes and tables. 

While both AAWP and AzonPress are premium modules, I think they'll pay for themselves as expanded subsidiary commissions from having the option to all the more viably advance Amazon items. 

Do you have any inquiries regarding the best WordPress modules for Amazon partners? Tell us in the remarks area!