The Institute for Prevention Diabetes Mellitus ( consists of a team of qualified nutritionists, health experts, and doctors. We are primarily concerned with alternative forms of treatment, especially with vital substances and their effect on diabetes Mellitus. Our recommendations are aimed at people who want to be responsible for their bodies and health. People have realized that there can be simple and natural ways to get better if the body is given the opportunity to bring itself back into balance.

Diabetes mellitus is a disease (disorder) in which the body does not produce abundant or respond normally to insulin, causing blood sugar (glucose) levels to be irregularly high. Urination and thirst are increased, and people may lose weight.

1. Symptoms of diabetes mellitus

The symptoms of diabetes mellitus usually appear insidious and are therefore often overlooked for a long time. Almost all those affected feel tiredness and weakness to a greater or lesser extent, have excessive hunger and, above all, thirst and a frequent urge to urinate. At the same time, they can inadvertently lose weight.

Different classes of diabetes mellitus, type 1, type 2, gestational diabetes and other types of diabetes mellitus are compared in terms of diagnostic criteria, etiology and genetics. The molecular genetics of diabetes received extensive attention in recent years by many prominent investigators and research groups in the biomedical field 01.

If the disease has progressed - unnoticed or untreated - the following symptoms also occur:

  • Decreased visual acuity
  • Numbness or tingling in the hands or feet
  • Dry, itchy skin
  • Frequent infections
  • Poor wound healing
  • Inflammation of the gums
  • Sexual problems

2. Causes and Risk Factors

There are basically two types of diabetes mellitus, type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes.

2.1. Type 1 diabetes :

Type 1 diabetes often occurs in children and adolescents and is a typical autoimmune disease. The immune cells of those affected are directed against cells in the pancreas. This creates a deficiency in the hormone that normally transports the glucose contained in food from the blood to the body's cells. If this hormone is missing, the sugar remains in the blood - the blood sugar level rises. People who are suffering from type 1 diabetes have to inject the additional hormones their entire life so that they reduce the risk of metabolic failures and secondary diseases . But just under 5 percent of all diabetics have type 1 diabetes.

2.2. Type 2 diabetes:

Type 2 diabetes accounts for the remaining 95 percent. It usually only occurs in later years. Here, too, the blood sugar level of those affected rises, but this is not due to the lack of pancreatic hormone. Rather, the body cells have become insensitive to it and need ever larger quantities to maintain their metabolism. This succeeds for a certain time, but if there is no change in the lifestyle of those affected, sooner or later they will also have to rely on hormone therapy.

Type 2 diabetes is considered an affluence disease. It is assumed that 9-10 percent of Germans have diabetes today - 7 to 8 million Germans suffer from type 2 diabetes! The factors seem to be fixed:

  • Drastic increase in overweight and obese people
  • Increased consumption of "junk food" with high carbohydrate and sugar content
  • At the same time decreasing physical activity

3. Diagnostic options for diabetes

If you suspect that you have diabetes mellitus, you should definitely see your doctor and tell him about your symptoms.

Diabetes mellitus means “honey-sweet flow”. The name is based on a symptom of the disease: if the blood sugar rises above a certain level, the kidneys begin to filter it from the blood and excrete it in the urine (hence the excessive thirst and the frequent urge to urinate). The urine will be sweet. This can be determined quickly with a simple test strip.

The doctor can only make the final diagnosis on the basis of a blood sample. To do this, he simply determines the  blood sugar level . If this exceeds a threshold value, diabetes is prove

4. Vital substance therapy and supportive measures

Because diabetes mellitus is a chronic disease, there is no cure for it. The aim of the therapy is to enable those affected to lead as normal a life as possible and to minimize the risk of secondary diseases. 

Classic therapy is divided into three types:

4.1. Hormone therapy:

Hormone therapy can be divided into two categories, conventional hormone therapy (CT) and intensified conventional therapy (ICT), the former being a rather rigid form of therapy. With intensified conventional therapy, on the other hand, the diabetic can react flexibly to his daily routine because he calculates and injects the required amount of the hormone directly after meals.

4.2. Basic therapy:

Basic therapy is aimed primarily at people suffering from type 2 diabetes because it is precisely they who have the power to actively influence their disease and should definitely take this opportunity. As part of various training courses, those affected are advised on how they can change their way of life in order to positively influence the course of the disease. Of course, this change particularly includes the areas of nutrition and exercise. If the change succeeds, the vicious circle of higher hormone production and increasing insensitivity of the cells can often be broken and diabetes Mellitus treated.

4.3. Therapy with oral antidiabetic drugs:

Therapy with oral antidiabetic drugs treatment method should only be carried out if the blood sugar level cannot be reduced sufficiently with the basic therapy, because it does not attack the root of the problem - the unhealthy lifestyle.

In addition to the three basic building blocks of diabetes therapy, sufferers should not neglect the effect of the optimal supply of vital substances.

The vital substances include all trace elements, vitamins, minerals, and secondary plant substances that the human body needs to live. They play an important role in regulating sugar metabolism.

At the same time, an ideal supply of vital substances can also effectively prevent many of the long-term effects of diabetes Mellitus. Ideally, you should take in the vital substances with a balanced diet, as the body uses them many times better in this form. But that is precisely what many of those affected find difficult.

Doctors and naturopaths, therefore, recommend a natural concentrate of vital substances that contains all essential vital substances, makes it easily usable (preferably in liquid form) and so does not unnecessarily burden the metabolism.

A sufficient supply of the following nutrients is particularly recommended:

Vitamin C : Probably the most important vitamin for humans: Vitamin C. It has a strong antioxidant effect, that is, it neutralizes aggressive free radicals and thus protects our blood vessels from damage, among other things. In addition, vitamin C helps to lower the cholesterol level.

Vitamin B complex : The vitamin B complex includes vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B6, folic acid and vitamin B12. The B vitamins are important for the nerve cells and can counteract possible damage (long-term effects).

Chromium : Studies show that chromium helps make more hormone receptors in cells. This allows the hormones to work better because the cells react more sensitively to them again. At the same time, chromium improves glucose tolerance and reduces the symptoms of hypoglycemia (too low blood sugar levels).

Zinc : The trace element zinc acts like hormones in the body and protects the hormone-producing cells in the pancreas.

Magnesium : Magnesium is one of the most important vital substances for the human body. Among other things, it has a positive effect on the hormone resistance of type 2 diabetics. At the same time, it prevents the typical long-term effects of diabetes, such as heart attacks, strokes or eye damage.

Omega-3 fatty acids : Omega-3 fatty acids improve cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure. This will reduce the risk of a heart attack or stroke.

Various studies show that trace elements, vitamins, minerals and secondary plant substances (vital substances or micronutrients) work better and more effectively when they are taken in combination and in their natural compound. The German Society for Health Care (DGG) recommends a natural supplement to the daily diet in order to be able to cover the need at any time - even in stressful situations. You should always use a vital substance preparation that is optimally dosed and only contains natural substances.

5. You can do this yourself

5.1. Nutrition:

  • Eat a healthy, varied and high-fiber diet (lots of fruit, vegetables and whole grain products; little meat, but more often fish).
  • Reduce the amount of carbohydrates in your daily diet and avoid them completely in the evening as often as possible.
  • Avoid artificial additives in food and drinks.
  • Avoid refined sugar and white flour as often as possible.
  • Attend a nutrition training course for diabetics.
  • Many doctors and non-medical practitioners also recommend a natural concentrate of vital substances (e.g. LaVita) to support your body during therapy and / or as a preventative measure and to protect it from malnutrition.

5.2. Exercise and relaxation:

  • Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day (sports, walks, cycling). This lowers blood sugar levels and high blood pressure.
  • Get enough sleep. Lack of sleep can lead to increased obesity.

5.3.Way of life:

  • Try to lose weight over the long term. Even a weight loss of 5 percent improves your health significantly.
  • Do not smoke.
  • Avoid alcohol if possible.