Because there is a possibility for these to develop into cancer. Adenoma is one condition that should not be taken lightly even if the mass is found to be benign. Some cases will eventually develop into a cancerous tumor if left untreated. Early diagnosis, just like several other diseases, will lead to a good prognosis. Patients should also identify the problem using the right techniques and tests to rule out the possibility of other problems. Here is an overview on adenoma and the effects.

What is Adenoma?

An adenoma is a benign or non-cancerous tumor that develops particularly on the glands. These can be present in any gland in the human body such as the lungs, colon, throat, colon and other internal organs. Although most of these remain in the same state for several years, there are a few cases wherein the tumor develops into a cancerous one, thereby leading to different complications and life-threatening effects. The glands that trigger the development of adenoma usually function in the production or secretion of useful fluids in the body. The glands or epithelial cells will product different useful fluids like hormones, sweat, breast milk and saliva. When the cells start replicating at a very fast pace, a lump will usually develop. If the formation is non-cancerous, it is described as an adenoma. Polyps are formations on various internal parts and organs such as the colon. Even if the formation is not cancerous in nature, doctors still recommend that patients have these remove to avoid the occurrence or development of cancerous tumors. The size of the formation will also determine the risk of developing a more serious condition. Bigger formations are more prone to turn cancerous after several years.

The Kinds of Adenoma

There are three basic kinds of adenoma namely tubular, villous and tubulovillous. Tubular type is the most frequently occurring and called such because of the structures that resemble tubes. The villous type is the least common among the three and is characterized by ruffles in the structure. The tubulovillous type is a combination of the two types and is the second most common. The type will differ among individuals. It is also possible for one person to develop two or more kinds at different parts of the body. The true cause of the formation is not known. Doctors speculate that genetic factors and hormones contribute to the development although the route is vague. Some individuals who have been taking medications or drugs for a long time seem to be at risk for the development too. The tumor on the glands can happen to anyone regardless of sex, race and age. However, women are particularly prone to having tumors in their livers while older adults in general are more prone to growths in the colon.

Signs and Symptoms of Adenoma

People with adenoma will generally show a lump on the affected area. If the polyp or tumor is located on an internal organ, the person might not notice anything unless he undergoes diagnostic procedures or feels the lump sometime later if it grows to considerable size. The lump will vary in size among patients. Some are found visibly on the surface while others might be located deep in the tissue or muscle. The effects of the condition will differ depending on the location and the affected area. If the tumor is found on the thyroid gland, the gland will most likely secrete more hormones leading to thyroid problems. The person might lose or gain weight as an effect. If the mass is found on the kidneys, the person might experience changes associated with the area too. Some of the common symptoms of the condition include body weakness, pain and aches, colds, fever, fatigue, cough, muscle cramps and dizziness.