Vaccine Information for Ages 12 – 15

The U.S National Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved the Pfizer BioNtech Problems Concerns (EUA) to increase its use in the age from 12-15 COVID vaccine. For those who are provided with information sheets and kits that are eligible for the new category of pipelines under the License Amendment, in the case of the FDA, providers can start them immediately with Pfizer BioNtech 01 vaccine he is ready to do so.

Children Explained 12-15 COVID vaccination

The children in general, handle COVID better than adults and yet children still do get severe illness. So we would like them protected against severe illness and the way to do that is to make sure that they're vaccinated. Children in the hospital with COVID, in the ICU on ventilators, and some children have died from COVID and children also can get the post infectious syndrome, the multi system inflammatory system in children, they can get that also and so we certainly want to prevent disease in children. Moreover, we certainly want children immune also so that they don't transmit to others. Children, of course, interact with their families of children who get COVID at school that can bring it back to their families, even if members of their families are vaccinated, no vaccine works 100% of the time.
Two other COVID vaccines developed by Modern and Johnson & Johnson in the United States are still only available to people 18 and older 02.
Whether you're going to the grocery store or school or sporting events, it allows us to get back to our usual communal activities sooner rather than later.

Pfizer-BioNtech Announce Positive Topline Results of Pivotal Covid-19 Vaccine

So for the Pfizer violent bioNtech vaccine that's been studied in 12 to 15 year olds, and that vaccine has been found to be safely tolerated, very similar to the comparative comparator group, the 16 to 25 year olds. In addition, they found that it was 100% effective in a study of about 2200 children, that there were no cases in the vaccine group 18 cases in the placebo group, so 100% effective in terms of preventing disease. Now, Pfizer fully expects that similar to adults, there might be some breakthrough illnesses and vaccinated individuals with larger numbers of children that probably won't have 100% protection, but you know, hopefully, it'll have about the same 90% protection Madonna and Novavax, as well as AstraZeneca, and the Johnson and Johnson vaccine, all those are being studied in children, also  (Pfizer Inc press release).

Pfizer-BioNtech Announce Positive Topline Results of Pivotal Covid-19 Vaccine

  1. Among participants, 12-15 years of age showed 100% efficacy and strong antibody response in trials of 16-25-year-old participants who were vaccinated for analysis 03.
  2. The companies passed this information on to the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the European Medicines Agency (EMA) as soon as possible, extending it to the Emergency Use Authority (EUA) for BNT162 02 (A Trial Investigating the Safety and Effects of Four BNT162 Vaccines Against COVID-2019) and the EU's conditional marketing authority. Intend to submit to apply.

FDA to authorize Pfizer Covid vaccine for 12-15 year olds

Pfizer has said it has the capacity to manufacture at least two and a half billion doses of the COVID vaccine this year. And they've struck deals for 1.6 billion of those. When asked Albert Borla. What happens with those 900 million doses not yet accounted for, if they could go to countries that haven't yet had as much access? Here's what Albert Borla said. "Price should not be an obstacle. Because we are giving these doses at Tier pricing. The rich countries the high income countries like the US, Europe, Japan, Canada, Australia, are paying one tier, the middle income countries are taking half of this price, and the low income countries they are offering this doses at cost." According to the World Health Organisation last month, one in four people in high income nations had received a COVID vaccine. Now that compares with one in more than 500 in low income countries. And as the US gets close to authorizing the Pfizer 12-15 COVID Vaccine.