Sexual Health: Women's Health and Wellness:

The creation of a normal balance within the body, and being aware of good sexual health with regard to women's health and wellness, we realize the need for physical balance. Such balance of the physical, the mental and the spiritual is there for the total well being of the individual. We need not look upon sex as only a physical expression; This article help you as Instructional Sexual Health / sexual health expo and it can also be an outlet for love and an expression for the beauty from within.

What is Normal?

Probably one of the most frequently asked questions of our time, is "What is normal?"....Answers to such a question by the sexual and sensual being must be found within. Women concerned with Instructional Sexual Health and wellness know that whatever you are "comfortable" with will be "normal” for you.

Individual's very Private Concern:

Since sex is, and always has been an individual's very private concern most people at some time in their life may wonder about the normalcy of their sexual health with regard to feelings and experiences. With Instructional Sexual Health, operational Health and wellness we realize that the problem has been intensified by religious teachings and beliefs and in turn, was often incorporated into the law of the land. Laws enacted hundreds of years ago, prohibited many sexual acts that we see as today being quite "normal". This has enabled many people to become accepting of themselves and of their sexual experiences and sexual feelings.

Women's Health and Wellness:

For women sexual health, women's health and wellness, concerning sexual behavior, we know that this can grow out of childhood experiences, religious belief or be inherent, as with homosexuality. Good "normal" sex should be fun. It should be both permissible and desirable to have sex other than for procreation.

From the logical point of view if heterosexual activity is okay purely for the purpose of pleasure, then so is homosexuality and masturbation. Such activities as women concerned with sexual health, wellness, now are quite acceptable.

WHO Views:

Sexual health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being in relation to sexuality.


Problems Concerning:

Problems as women concerned with sexual health and wellness know, can come with sexual activity if there is a loss of interest in sex by one partner, or indeed, over expectations by the other. Loss of interest in sex is a common symptom of deep depression. a low thyroid function, and many other chronic illnesses. The body wishes to conserve its energy for what it considers to be more important activities.

However, as wise woman with regard to sexual health, women's health, wellness and sexual activity, we need to try to find times when sex is less stressful and to assure our partner that he is still truly love and cared for. Loss of an adequate sex life can be quite detrimental to a relationship and it is quite normal to rely on something like KY jelly for lubrication, as one tends to need to do so for vaginal dryness, as with post-menopausal women.

With illness comes the body's need to conserve energy for healing. At times there may not be enough energy for good communication, let alone sex. Such natural protection instincts are quite normal and indeed, may be a woman's unconscious mechanism against pregnancy, as the body at such a time would not be able to cope with it.

There are other "normal" ways of expressing affection as women concerned with Instructional Sexual Health and wellness know. During times of stress mutual and women's nutrition guide understanding is needed. Different techniques, such as a change of position, cuddling and maybe masturbation can all help until the situation has improved.

Immune dysfunction Affect:

People with immune dysfunction need to take particular care with sex, as they can affect the health of their partners through intercourse. A regular monogamous sex life is one of the best treatments in this type of situation. Enjoy it with someone you love as often as you can.

Condoms are recommend for those with candida and other severe immune problems such as HIV. Oral contraception should be avoided as it can disrupt the hormone balance and increase risk of susceptibility to infection from one partner to another and great risk about weight loss of body.

Thrush Infections:

When a woman develops thrush and other infections symptom, antibiotics are sometimes prescribed. As women Aware of Women’s Health and Wellness:, we know that antibiotics won't help thrush or the Flu or colds.

Antibiotics will only make the thrush worse. This is when the body needs lots of yogurt, both internally and insert within the vagina. The acidophilus in the natural yogurt will help promote bacterial growth and overcome the nastiness of Women's Wellness And Anti-Aging.

Sexual use or abuse use:

When people are attract to each other there is an awakening of the sexual drive. Sex can be used to show love and affection and it can be used for violent abuse mostly random Scheduled surgery of sex. As women aware of Instructional Sexual Health, women’s health and wellness, also depend of organic food is good for women's. We know that an abusive sexual relationship is one that often goes around in circles.

There is the abuse and then the apologizing, the promise "never to do it again", keep this, until the next bout of violence occurs. The only way to end sexual abuse is to remove you from it and seek outside professional help from specialist women's shelters and/or police. The perpetrator needs to be report for both his protection and for the protection of the victim and for the protection of society.


Fantasy is another form of sexual experience that lots of people both male and female often seek. This too, is normal. Sexual expression is not just physical, it is mental as well. Sometimes fantasies are play out in the mind, often whilst having sexual intercourse, often too, by ones self-whilst masturbating.

At times act fantasies are experience when sex is paid for, as when engaging in prostitution. This is also quite normal. The latter type of fantasy is usually physically play out and this too, is normal. Violent Instructional Sexual Health is both abnormal and destructive to the participating partners.